You can find me on Linkedin here. Select examples of my work include:
Designing innovative gender equality & women’s rights programs
Led a coalition of partners (FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund, Global Fund for Women, Oxfam and the Young Foundation) to design and successfully mobilize resources for The Roots Lab, a social innovation lab for young feminist activists
Designed multi-year gender equality programs for Oxfam in Southern Africa, UN Women in Vietnam and for Oxfam in Tajikistan
Supported a consortium of organizations to develop a successfully funded program proposal for Kaleidoscope, which focuses on advancing safe abortion in multiple countries across Asia and Africa
Research, analysis, writing grants and reports
Wrote (as lead consultant) the "Feminist Guide to Influencing," and produced guides on Ending Violence against Women and Transformative Leadership for Women's Rights for Oxfam International, and produced case studies for Oxfam in Southern Africa
Wrote a report on the impact of investments in the AWID (Association for Women in Development) Forum for the Foundation for a Just Society
Wrote a report on the role of women human rights defenders in attaining peace and security for the International Service for Human Rights
Co-wrote a report on Transformative Change for Gender Equality: Learning from Feminist Strategies for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation
Drafted and edited grants, donor reports, and research papers as a contract grant writer for Global Fund for Women, including A Blueprint for Feminist Crisis Response.
Strategic Planning
Covered the maternity leave for the Co-Director of FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund; lead the organization's work on resource mobilization, advocacy and communications and designed a long-term growth strategy
Led a consultative process to develop and write the strategic plan for She Decides, a global political movement focused on bodily autonomy and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR).
Coordinated the development of the women's rights components of Oxfam's Strategic Plan
Led a team at American Jewish World Service to develop a strategic plan for the final phase of a multi-country program to end child marriage
Supporting organizational learning processes and assessments
Coordinated a team of consultants to collect and analyze stories to document and track institutional change towards gender equality at The Gates Foundation
Worked with a team of consultants to strengthen internal policy and practices of UN DPPA-DPO in its implementation of the Gender Parity Strategy
Conducted an organizational mapping for Gender at Work with recommendations on how to best capture knowledge, share learning and enhance impact
Worked with a team of consultants to produce a report on how philanthropies have incorporated diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) into their programs and organizations, and created a DEI baseline assessment for the C&A Foundation
Led a participatory process for American Jewish World Service to reflect and synthesize learnings from a program that focuses on preventing early and child marriage and advancing the rights of adolescent girls and young women.
Project management, coordination & building strong feminist networks
Co-founded & led Internationalistas, a global network of 4600+ women women working on social justice issues globally; this included facilitating mentorships, workshops, online discussions, and meet-ups around the world
Project managed the creation of an online platform for women entrepreneurs (werc space) for the Women's Funding Network
Coordinated gender justice working groups across the Oxfam confederation to develop global programs, strategies and policies
Organized communities of young adult leaders and led volunteers to deliver large scale social justice events for US based non-profits
Producing communications strategies and content
Developed a communications strategy for Urgent Action Fund Asia & Pacific
Built (as lead consultant) a global communications strategy for the Global Alliance for Green & Gender Action GAGGA, focusing on the intersection of women's rights and environmental justice
Advised UN Women on developing communications, building coalitions and a popular mobilization campaign to encourage governments to adhere to the gender-sensitive SDG targets
Gender advisory support and gender integration
Provided advisory support to Oxfam on global campaigns, humanitarian interventions and development programs from a gender perspective
Monitored and advised programs for UN Women with a focus on Asia, the Middle East and the Pacific
Developed an approach to integrate gender into IFEX’s campaigns, communications, advocacy, and institutional strengthening work, which included this gender audit
Trainings & Facilitation
Organized a learning event for Oxfam in Southern Africa on working with men and boys to enhance gender justice
Conducted a series of trainings for the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation on the topic of transformative change for gender equality, for directors, regional staff and parter organizations
Created and delivered trainings to enhance Oxfam staff understanding of women's rights and gender mainstreaming, and conducted trainings on gender and media
Designed and co-facilitated a team retreat for Women’s Empowerment Program at the Asia Foundation
Designed and facilitated a workshop for the gender equity employee resource group at Nava, a civic technology company, on the topic of Gender & Power.